Season 5  Episode 3: Activating the Superconscious to Thrive

In this episode of You Are Not Your Trauma, we explore the importance of setting healthy boundaries, why they’re crucial for our well-being, and how to start setting them in our lives. 

If you’ve ever struggled with saying “no” or felt drained by those around you, this episode is for you. Let’s talk about how to set those boundaries and protect your peace!

Harriet M. Harris, MBA is a trauma-informed coach, author, and dynamic speaker with a passion for guiding individuals through their healing journeys and empowering them to achieve their biggest dreams. After spending 20 years in the corporate world, Harriet transitioned into the healing space, founding You Are Not Your Trauma Inc. and hosting the You Are Not Your Trauma podcast, which offers hope and healing to those facing life’s toughest challenges. Her personal story is one of resilience and transformation: from surviving eight pregnancy losses, including seven consecutive losses, to overcoming depression and isolation, Harriet knows firsthand the power of healing and self-discovery.

Her latest books, You Are Not Your Trauma Healing Journal and Stop Stopping Your Success, are filled with practical tools and heartfelt guidance to help readers navigate their healing journey and step into their true purpose. Through her speaking engagements, Harriet shares her journey with authenticity and compassion, inspiring audiences to move from survival mode to living a life filled with purpose and possibility. Harriet’s engaging style and relatable storytelling make her a sought-after speaker for audiences looking to unlock their potential and embrace a brighter future.


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